© Steve Krajacic
Masterful Enlightening Free Studies
In today’s times of overpowering civilizations, gods, religions, and numerous New-Age spiritual practices, those who seek a higher-life can find it mind boggling when trying to comprehend the “Mystery of Life” and still hold on to what life offers. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I have spent a whole life seeking the higher-life and now I have this opportunity to offer my “Enlightening Insights” –that have taken 77 years to discover– to save you years of seeking in order to discover the Truth behind the Truth to set yourself free. That’s right: “FREE.” Free to have a Real-Life adventure now; one that is way beyond what civilization offers. And that’s right again: “Truth,” truth that will set you free. So, let me say that religion, spirituality and even philosophy are all good, but when you want to understand the “Mystery Itself,” well, there is nothing like going beyond the classroom to experience it for yourself. You see, the Truth about life is that mankind is waddling around following cradle (Baby) stories, when there is a Real-Life just beyond religion, spirituality and especially civilization; all to be lived out now, not later. The point being; within this Web-Site you have access to a gold mine of “Masterful Insights and Teachings”  that will allow you to understand clearly what Life is about and how to attain life beyond this earthly reality and most of all, to experience it now. So, if you have –deep within you– the desire to seek out Truth and to experience it for yourself, then my friend, you have landed on a good path to walk on to set yourself free.          I truly believe I came here to accomplish my own attainment this lifetime and to pass on my enlightening insights to others, no different than an explorer goes out to discover what’s ahead and comes back to tell his story. So, enjoy my story for I have a  good one to tell.  The bottom line being, if you are seeking Truth,  my friend, you will find the path clearly marked on the pages that follow.  
The Sister Web-Site is “Human Design Analysis
 I am claiming No Copyright I am offering you the Right to Copy this material, and use it as you wish. I am only fulfilling my Purpose in Life, by gathering and sharing my Wisdom; Wisdom gained through my own studies and experiences, for the purpose of assisting humanity, on its journey of consciousness Enlightenment.                                                                                    Love and Blessings, Steve                      
See “About the Author” (Resume) for explanation
FREE study guides to unfold your life naturally!