© Steve Krajacic
Masterful Enlightening Free Studies
The Sister Web-Site is “Human Design Analysis
This one page and its contents, just might qualify for the most important study Life offers the one who wishes to know and then experience TRUTH  for oneself. I have labored through twenty-five years of studies in order to put this together; and there is even more.
MORE: Please do not take this information to mean that I am downplaying the Bible or what is recorded in it about the life of the Master Jesus, for the Biblical Record does him justice. The sad part is how mankind and especially religion have downplayed the importance of his life; to the point where, he has become only a historical figure to be idolized rather than an Ideal to be lived out now as a real life.  Within this work, research shows that he not only lives in the flesh but he still is active assisting mankind to continue to unfold. So in reality, the “Jesus Event“ is not over; for what we have here is verification and clarification of the story-line itself that lies outside the biblical scenario; thus, offering mankind a deeper understanding through the before and after years. With this background, If I were writing a complete story about his life, it would center on the biblical history, but more importantly, his life before coming here and his life as it is now. So what we have in the Bible is only a snapshot made by human perceptions of his life and teachings that focus on three to four years. When in fact, the more important part of his life is after his victory over death and his years with the Apostles. Then comes his work in the Celestial Realms and his work on Earth in the last 2,000 years, as humanity continues to deal with the “God of War issue” that he came to set us free from in order to get back on the spiritual evolutionary track. The Prodigal Son Story kinda tells the larger picture best. [Less is more here in order to keep it simple]. Obviously, he was not talking about a god of judgment but a God of compassion who is sponsoring a human family that encompasses all. So when you get the whole picture, life has been going on -on planet Earth- for quite some time and there are responsible beings assisting us to stay on track. What is taking place now is only a glimpse into eons of ages of years of history, where most recently, strange gods have shown up on the scene and upset the apple cart --- so to speak.  The point made by Jesus and the Masters is that humanity is not only following strange gods but we are regressing consciously to the point of being in danger of losing our soul-life by killing other human beings. So, humanity has been given a wake-up-call and that is just about that. The call itself is God lives within not without. iN CONCLUSION: So, the rest of the story is how you live your life by either participating in assisting the overall spiritual evolutionary process along, or remain caught up in materialism by following the gods of humanity… Friend, it does not take a lot of common sense to understand that a real God does not butcher men, women, children or animals, and as well, does not encourage others to do the same in the name of God. Da! Without saying it, Jesus was indicating that we have imposter’s ruling over us as human gods of judgment and they are not celestial Gods of Love who have put into effect the Cosmic Creation Process that offers us life and a journey into Love Consciousness. IN SUMMARY: So again, what the study is about is trying to stimulate you to wake-up and when your journey comes alive again --- consciously, as I and many others have, we will meet on the battle field of Love and offer our lives to unite mankind in order to create a heaven on Earth out of Peace. As the Master’s most profound teaching goes; “Anyone can love someone who loves them, but to love your enemy,” now you are talking about the real God expression, and the real Godly life…
"My dear brothers, greater thoughts have not been given than these I (Jesus) give to you now. It does not matter that men say: ‘This cannot be done!’ You, each one of you, have the potential of standing forth as the divine master you already are, conquering, and in full dominion, just as you have seen me conquer. The time is here for you to soar to celestial heights with me, thus fulfilling the pure thought that you have sent out and has come to fruition in your own body, as your soul has taken complete command and desires to be the divine master you are.”