© Steve Krajacic
The Sister Web-Site is “Human Design Analysis”
All the different isms, cults, creeds, and belief systems, are all good!
You see, it is this very thing (Religion) that will eventually lead their followers to the realization
that underneath all, there is a deep fundamental truth surfacing, that has been missed;
a deep something that has not been contacted, and this higher Mystery belongs to them
if they pursue it consciously.
We see it is this very thing that will eventually drive man to possess all.
Therefore, the very fact that man knows there is something else to possess,
will goad him on until he has accomplished his desire.
The word “God” is a name given to the all-wise intelligent Spirit of life. It is mankind that has given this name to what the human perceives as the mystery of Life, when in
fact we are dealing with pure Spirit. This Spirit is within every human being, as well as without. As the master Jesus makes it plain “You may call me this or that but I suggest
you never make light of the Spirit of Life for the Spirit is eternal…” With this understanding, Life is about experiencing Spirit (or God) and uniting oneself with it; thus, becoming
it. When you get it, you will have gotten it that the Spirit Itself is within yourself and every living thing. When it comes to understanding life, it is not necessary to seek
knowledge and help from outside sources, when the source of all knowledge (the Spirit who understands truth), is dormant within each and every man waiting to be brought to
life through ones own choices. So, why seek Truth from without, when the universal Spirit (God), is within? If I am at all close, then all that needs to be done is to accept the
need to be born again of Spirit and let our lives reflect this transformational experience.
“As many as are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” My dear friends, what we are dealing with, as Life, has come forth from Spirit and it is Spiritual. That is, if you
understand it and then define it as such in your life. Because the Universe is orderly (true and basic), if orderly, it is scientific, if scientific, intelligent, therefore all Life is
amalgamated with intelligent Spirit; therefore, Life that is coupled to and guided by Spirit becomes a conscious transformational experience through your choosing it, or not.
In other words, the choice is always yours to become what you are participating in or not. If I am at all close here, then the individual life becomes an opportunity for
expression through one’s own work; that is one’s life, trade or craft, or even one’s art. Spirit is primary within this overall process and it is the originating vibrating power that
makes Life not only possible but evolutionary; thus all of life is spirit and spirit is leading all of us into our potential perfection through our own chosen experience. If you are
with me then, you may enter into Spirit and use its power by the simply accepting that it does exist; then let it come forth in your life. With this simple understanding, the Spirit
is available to be at your command -so to speak... So, in summary, as a human being, Spirit can become an ever-potent spring of perpetual or eternal life --- right within
yourself. It is my understanding, from producing this well documented Web-Site that this accomplishment does not take long years of study, nor do we need to go through
training, hardships, or deprivation. What this accomplishment does require is to know and accept that it does exist, and then, to let it flow through and into our daily lives,
thus transforming us into the godly character of Love.
So in a real sense, we are back to the basics of Life Itself; where we are an expression of conscious energy that is present as a spiritual unification process. So it is
through each and every choice that we allow the Spirit of Life to infiltrate our consciousness; to the point where, eventually we become one with that Spirit. The mystery is
in the unfolding experience and only through the experience can one know..
In conclusion, If I am at all close, it has taken me some 77 years to understand the human concept of “God.” And, again, if I am at all close, I have successfully debunked it
through wading through all the man-made “Religions”of the world. My discovery being that God is a human word to express the mystery of Life, and that Religion is a man-
made practice; both God and Religion only put cloths on the Mystery of life itself. To get to the Mystery I had to unclothe it and enter the reality of Spirit. This could only
have been accomplished through my own experience right within my in-body experience itself. Now, I know this is a mouth full, but at the least it is my own choice to
experience it and then share it with you. I do this in love and expect to only be honored by how my experience may stimulate you to have your own experience rather than
follow me or others.
See you on the other side of experience, my friend, and then we will be able to know because of the experience of Love itself.
What is Religion? That depends upon what one means by using the word “Religion.” If by the use of the word 'Religion' you mean creed, dogma, or sect, or perhaps
'superstition,' or even a higher power or spiritual mystery, it is very young and does not predate our times more than twenty thousand years (20,000); but, if by the word you
mean a reverence for the true philosophy of life, then you may trace this back beyond all history, all mythology, all allegory; to the time of man’s first advent upon Earth. If I am
at all close, in light of man’s personal misunderstanding of this Truth, he searches for the higher by following the lower as in a king, a queen, a pope, a shaman or a priest? In
doing so, man creates his own path to the higher understanding rather than going within and following his built in nature to live in harmony with life. The bottom line being that
what mankind needs is not a religion to follow, but an awakening to stand firm within his own perception of Truth and become a priest himself, for as one learns to stand firm
with his own heart-felt convictions, he will no longer follow the lower gods of war and unite himself with all of humanity; thus creating the one religion of Love. With this
understanding, all religion shows us within the last 20,000 years, or so, is separation and pain; as man has learned how to butcher his brother, rather than loving him. If man is to
evolve this time around, he simply must let go of what is influencing him from the outside and go inward to connect with the source of life. This is true Religion, for it leads to
unification not separation. As taught by a true Master: “The kingdom of God is Within.”
1- Jesus Basics
1- Introduction
2- Forward, The Old and New Testament,
3- Jesus-1 explained in the context of History
4- Jesus-2, Jesus explained in the context of Salvation,
5- Jesus-3, Jesus explained in the context of Service,
6- Jesus-4, Jesus explained in the context of Love,
7- Jesus-5, I have chosen to follow Love
8- Jesus explained as historical summary,
9- Jesus explained as Salvation summarized
2- Jesus History
1- Sources
2- Contents
3- Jonathan's Interview with the Shepherds,
4- Jonathan's Interview with Melker the Priest,
5- Melker's testimony of the birth of Jesus,
6- Master’s explain the need for Salvation
7- Gamiale’s interview with Joseph & Mary
8- Gamiale’s interview with Massalian
9- Gamiale’s interview with Mary & Martha
10- Gamiale’s conclusion as to who Jesus is
11- Caiaphases report about the Execution
12- Caiaphases report about the Resurrection
13- Pilate’s report about the Jesus-Event,
2- Jesus History (Continued)
14- Herod Antipater's Defense for killing children
15- Herod Antipase’s Defense for executing John
16- Hillel's Exposition of the teachings of Jesus
3- Jesus Teachings
1- Source
2- The Historical Jesus before his 3-year Ministry
3- The Birth of Christ Consciousness
4- The reason for the need for a Savior
5- Lesson #01, Jesus lays it on the line
6- Lesson #02, The Great Mistake of Death
7- Lesson #03, Awakening to the Ocean of Love
8- Lesson #04, All About Heaven and Hell
9- Lesson #05, All About who or what God is
10- Lesson #06, All About what the word Christ
11- Lesson #07, Heaven is here now
12- Lesson #08, All about the Father Principle
13- Lesson #09, Cosmic Evolution
14- Lesson #10, This is the only True God
15- Lesson #11, How to handling God-Power
16- Lesson #12, A relationship with the Father
17- Lesson #13, How to become a God-Man
18- Lesson #14, An exposition of Psalms 23
19- Lesson #15, Taking up the Work-a way of Life
The leaders of Christian thought have diverted the life and teachings of Jesus from their practical application of the use of God power ---now,
by placing the Jesus Event into the history of a past time. In doing so, Christianity - as a whole - is teaching that miracles and the born-again Spiritual
Life are confined to the age of the Apostles. [I personally have a College BA in Theology from a fundamental Christian College and have experienced
this reality for myself, in contrast to my personal experience that shows me that this is not true]. With this understanding, and taking a fresh look at the life
and teachings of the Master Jesus, we discover that what has been taught some 2,000 years ago was only a seed planted in the human mind, to be
nourished and matured in our times. If humanity is going to overcome the external God doctrines that existed then and are still being propagated in our
times, the same teaching will need to be put into practice.
The Bottom line: If the Master Jesus were literally to return and make a personal appearance in our times, would his message and example be any
different? I do not think so! It is this same misleading Religious Structure that places the real god into a building to be worshiped as an Idol, instead of
the God Principle coming alive in the lives of human beings. I’m afraid that if Religion as a whole does not awaken, they will fulfill their own prophesy
and the battle of Armageddon will become an earthly reality in the 21st century as we know it.
My personal plea is for you to awaken to your potential and step outside the confines of both civilization and religion. In doing so, you will set yourself
free to experience for yourself the greatest principle of life: “God lives within as the Spirit of Life.” In doing so, your life becomes a living expression of
what Life offers as the results will speak for themselves.
"The great error that has been made with the teaching of Jesus is that mankind has consigned them to the dim and misty past. In doing so,
Jesus life is looked at within the classification of the mythical or mystical; therefore, his teaching becomes something attached to this reality of life
rather than being applied to planet Earth and to human beings who live here right now. The Masters wish it to be understood that they put forth the
claim that Jesus, as our example of Christ Consciousness, represents a plane of conscious life that has been brought forth by a great many seers and
prophets of our times, and that his life and teachings are for the present times. With this understanding, he came to revolutionize mankind’s thinking
about a God that lives within the human experience itself, in order to give us freedom to continue our evolutionary journey beyond the human gods
that hold us under their bondage.
The word “God” is a name given to the all-wise intelligent spirit of life. It is mankind that has given the name “God” to what the human perceives as a super
duper higher presence that rules over life, when in fact, we literally have an All-Wise-Intelligent-Spirit and that is as high as we can go. This Spirit is within
every human being, as well as without. With this understanding, it is not necessary to seek knowledge and help from outside sources, when the source of all
life and knowledge lies dormant within you. So, why seek a god or even knowledge from without, when the universal Spirit of Life itself is within? With this
understanding, you can call upon the Principal of Life Itself, at any time or in any place, when you wish to accomplish any one thing, for you know that the
God-Within Principal is the greatest of teachers. So the little secret about Life is to go within and that is just about that.
In summary, God is the ‘Impersonal Principal’ behind everything that exists today; including the Mind that is the Intelligence of cause. With this
understanding, the human term “God” represents the source of all life-form; best understood as a loving, Father-Mother principle, when being
approached by the human psych. If you are with me, then, “Life,” as we know it, is simply the expression of the higher working its way through lower
conscious life-forms, with the potential of all life becoming one through the medium of consciousness.
In Contrast, God is never is to be represented as a great being located somewhere in the skies where He sits upon a throne and judges’ people after they
die. This earthly concept of God (A God who judges and requires mankind to go to war on his behave) is a lower conscious misconception brought about by
man’s ignorant thinking; just as so many malformations have been brought about that we see in the world around us as we evolve consciously
---step by step--- toward higher understanding.
In Conclusion, God is not a judge who can intrude a presence upon you or bring you before a bar of justice. God is never personal except as God-Principal
becomes to each individual as a personal loving Father-Mother. Therefore, God is never twisted up with rage, nor angry and obviously not reactive to human
beings because this is simply a human projection into the higher reality of life. With this understanding, the higher Principle never destroys, nor hurts, nor hinders
one of Life’s evolutionary creations. If a real God did these things, He would not be God, for the God that judges, destroys, or withholds any good thing, is but
a god that is conjured up by man’s ignorant thinking; therefore do not fear that type of god.
Personal observation: From my personal journey into the reality of God, I have discovered that the gods of mankind [during the last Earth Change Period
of some 500 years] are literally advanced human beings who have powers that exceed normal human limitations. When they interface with the normal
human evolutionary specie, they become as judges who rule over us. In most situations, they need us to follow them into their wars over other gods.
BOTTOM LINE: Only common sense will reveal that a real God does not kill or ask others to do its bidding, so each one of us must go within, connect,
and bring one’s truth outward in order to prove what the higher concept of God means to him. If I am at all close, life is not a god issue as much as it
is a a conscious one, where we get to learn about this most important matter through the power of our choices. Literally Life is about uniting
consciously with our potential to be a divine human life-form that is an expression of Love. God, well, again this is a human concept so let it go and
the rest will take car of itself as you step higher and higher toward your attainment.